People always say that the eyes are the window to the soul – but what about the multiple benefits of having a clean, bright and white smile? From self-esteem to preventing heart disease, there are numerous reasons to look into teeth whitening. While you can purchase kits in your local Ohio pharmacy, it also couldn’t hurt to look into professional Teeth Whitening Cincinnati. What are some of the great benefits of brightening up those pearly whites?
To begin, being confident in your appearance and having strong self-esteem can lead to many types of profit. First impressions can do wonders, and flashing a white and self-assured smile (as opposed to a shy, unwilling, or yellowing one) can start you off on the right foot to landing a successful career or even a mate. On top of that, smiling more – such as after whitening – has been proven to boost mood. In this day and age, we could all use a little extra optimism!
There are other, more practical benefits to exploring Teeth Whitening in Cincinnati as well. If you’re fiscally-minded, then you can breathe easy in knowing that whitening is inexpensive in terms of other cosmetic improvements or even risky surgeries in which one could invest. Additionally, most people start a better oral hygiene routine after whitening that can lead to less dental visits down the line. Finally, as far as health concerns, professional whitening gels have been shown to kill the bacteria that produce tooth decay and gum disease. Gum disease has been linked to cardiovascular disease as well as, in some cases, a reduction in mental functioning. Who knew that having a whiter smile could make you smarter or even save your life?
The professional whitening procedure is relatively simple: after a polishing and being set up with retractors to keep your lips out of the way, your teeth will be coated with a solution which will need to stay on for 30-60 minutes. Sometimes a light or laser will be used to cure the whitening agents. Then, after a rinse and fluoride, you’ll be sent on your way. Just be sure to avoid foods and drinks with strong pigments for about a day, so that your bright and white smile won’t re-stain and can really shine!