Doing It Right The First Time: Updating Your Pipeline

by | Dec 21, 2017 | Oil and Gas

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Don’t be That Company.

Being a player in the oil business means that a huge amount of scrutiny is focused on your pipeline projects in Alberta, maintenance, or lack thereof. Let’s face it – when you are running that pipeline 24/7/365 year in and year out, allowing minimal downtime for maintenance, you’re going to have epic wear and tear and corrosivity issues. When you have wear and tear, you’re going to have leaks, and if you have a leak then sooner or later there is going to be a rupture and a big spill. Then you are going to be That Company.

Fines, regulators, lawsuits, legal bills – you’re going to have a wild ride.

Being proactive is your best bet when dealing with ageing equipment, but the oil boom and bust cycle means that the bottom line is a lot shallower than previously. This means that the contractor has to be on the level, with a track record of delivering on-time and in-budget projects. Getting out ahead of older equipment and facilities that are more likely to have critical failures and incidents can preserve that bottom line profitability.

Bare Bones Have No Muscle

While a number of companies pride themselves on paring operating costs to the bone, they don’t have the muscle to work with when a crisis erupts.

And a crisis always erupts.

Prudent management at all stages needs to understand that replacement and maintenance are legitimate and needful expenses, and that shareholders and principals are not the only ones to be satisfied. Get out ahead of those needs and costs, modernize, and eliminate the inefficiencies of older equipment. Get on top of maintenance, and build some muscle on a solid infrastructure! Your company, your workers, and everyone involved will benefit.