Identify Employment Discrimination in ST. Louis

by | May 13, 2013 | Lawyers, Lawyers and Law Firms

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Discrimination in the workplace happens every day. Trying to prove you are a victim of discrimination may be difficult unless it is commonplace at your job. Getting help to prove Employment Discrimination St. Louis is happening at your place of employment is your best line of defense. Discrimination comes in many forms.

Race or color discrimination involves treating anyone less favorably because he or she is a certain race or has characteristics or a certain race, such as skin color, hair texture, or facial features. Color discrimination pertains to treating people less favorably because of the color of skin complexion. This type of discrimination also applies to someone treating a person poorly because they are married to a person of a certain race or color, or because they associate or belong to an organization of a certain group.

You cannot be discriminated by your genetic information. Genetic information includes personal genetics test and the genetic tests of your family members along with information about diseases or disorders the may run in your family.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) makes it illegal to discriminate against any disabled person who is qualified to perform the job they are applying for. It is also illegal to discriminate against an employee because he or she has a disabled spouse.

Age Discrimination pertains to anyone treating someone unfavorably because of their age. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act outlaws age discrimination against anyone who is age 40 or older. Favoring a worker 40 years and older over a younger worker is not illegal. It is also against the law to harass an employee about their age.

National Origin Discrimination pertains to treating people less favorably because they are from a certain country, because of their accent or ethnicity, or because they look to be a certain ethnicity even though they are not. This law forbids employers to discriminate against people who are married to a person of a certain ethnicity or because of a connection with an ethnic organization or group.

Equal pay or compensation, pregnancy, religion, sex (being male or female), and sexual harassment are other forms of Employment Discrimination St. Louis that is prohibited by law. If you feel you’ve been discriminated against it may be time to find a good lawyer.