The Different Promotional USB Drives Available

by | Nov 29, 2012 | Marketing & Advertising

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Today, the business world is cutthroat. This makes it necessary for businesses of all sizes to find ways to stand apart from the competition, luring consumers to become their loyal customer, rather than going to the competition. This can be a difficult process and one that requires a stellar marketing plan. If your marketing plan seems old and outdated, it might be time to look at a few new approaches. If your company has given out thousands of pens, calendars or mugs, it might be time to shake things up a bit and offer a new item, such as promotional USB drives.

Paper Clip

There are a variety of sizes and shapes to choose from when you decide to give away promotional USB drives. The paper clip version actually operates as a paper clip for your physical papers, as well as storage for all your digital documents. If you have your drives personalized with your company information, businesses or consumers will consistently see your information every time they use their papers.

Credit Card

The credit card USB drive is one of the most unique yet ingenious forms of the drives available. The super thin material looks just like a credit card and is personalized with your company information, logo or message. There is a little more room in this shape to put your information on and can be conveniently stored in a person’s wallet. This makes it easy for anyone to constantly have your promotional item on them, consistently reminding them of your company.


One of the most convenient ways for anyone to carry their USB drive is as a keychain. Since everyone carries their keys with them, they will always have their USB drive with them. This reduces the number of times your customers are found without their pertinent information.

Another unique use for these USB drives is for business people to carry them on their lanyards. Since lanyards are becoming increasingly popular due to the need to carry IDs, the USB drive can be carried as well, ensuring business customers always have their needed documents with them. These key chains are lightweight yet hardy when it comes to advertising power and usefulness for your customers.

Choosing to give away promotional USB drives in unique shapes and styles is one of the best ways to get your company name out there. Using advertising in this way will allow your company to expand its customer base, as well as make current customers keep you in the forefront of their minds with your useful promotional item.