Hire a DWI Lawyer in Cambridge, MD

by | Oct 19, 2015 | Lawyers

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Truckers, bus drivers and others with CDLs (commercial driver’s licenses) are held to higher standards than other drivers where impaired driving is concerned. Whether a commercial driver’s cargo is a tanker full of fuel or a busload of children, stakes are higher than they are for the typical driver, because an impaired commercial driver is a public safety threat, as well as a liability to their employer. The following parties are subject to FMCSA regulation:

* Anyone owning or leasing commercial vehicles

* Anyone paying people to operate those vehicles

* Local, state and federal government entities

* Private and for-hire motor carriers

* Civic organizations

* Churches


Most jurisdictions use FMCSA regulations on alcohol and commercial drivers, which provide a .04 BAC limit; that’s just half the limit imposed on most states’ civilian drivers. FMCSA rules stipulate that a commercial-vehicle operator cannot drive within four hours of drinking.

Drug and Alcohol Tests

Commercial drivers are required to submit to random alcohol testing after accidents when reasonable suspicion exists or in order to go back to work after a policy violation. In addition, the FMCSA allows for drug testing as a condition of employment and upon suspicion of DWI.

The Consequences of a Commercial DWI

Aside from a lower BAC threshold, CDL drivers face the same penalties as other drivers where DWI is concerned; however, a commercial DWI can result in a longer driver’s license suspension, possibly causing a driver to lose their livelihood. A person convicted of a DWI may find it hard to procure employment as a commercial driver. A DWI lawyer in Cambridge, MD can tell clients more about the offense’s effects on current and future employment.

Call a Local DWI Lawyer

If a person is arrested for DWI in Maryland, they should call a DWI lawyer in Cambridge, MD. An Ocean City Lawyer will evaluate all the case’s evidence, including the methodology and results of chemical and field-sobriety testing, to ensure that the client’s legal rights are properly protected. It’s important to talk to a lawyer from the area, and most offer no-obligation consultations.