3 Ways to Support the Efforts of Your Personal Injury Lawyer in Ottawa, ON

by | Oct 23, 2023 | Lawyer

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There’s a lot to deal with when you’ve been injured as a result of the negligence or intentional actions of another person. Along with securing the necessary medical care, it’s also important to engage the services of a personal injury lawyer in Ottawa, ON. Here are some of the ways that you can support the efforts of your legal counsel to secure the compensation that you deserve.

One of the first commitments that you must make is to tell your legal counsel everything you know about what took place. That may include revealing information that you find personally embarrassing. Rest assured that your lawyer will keep anything you say in confidence, and will only use the information if it’s relevant to your case. Anything else will go no further without your permission.

You also should be determined to not discuss the case with anyone else. If you’re approached by lawyers or insurance professionals representing the responsible party, the only information that you should give them is the contact information for your legal counsel. Even what seems like an innocent inquiry about your condition may in fact be an attempt to shift the responsibility for the event away from their client.

Last, pay close attention to what your personal injury lawyer in Ottawa, ON has to say about the current state of the case. If the other party is open to negotiations, let your lawyer take the lead. Should the lawyer indicate to you that the settlement offered is not a good one, then take that information to heart. At all times, your lawyer is seeking to use every legal means to protect your interests.

Don’t feel as if you have to face the aftermath of an injury by yourself. Engaging the services of a personal injury lawyer means someone is taking care of the legal issues while you focus on recovering from the event to whatever extent possible.

For more information, please contact the WVGB Law Group.