Finding the Right Family Dentist in Shepherdsville, KY

by | Jun 2, 2016 | Dentist

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After moving to a new town and getting the house in some semblance of order, the next step is to find local medical professionals who can take care of the family. Along with finding a physician, there’s the need to establish a relationship with a local Dentist in Shepherdsville KY. Here are some tips that will make the process easier.

Start With the Insurance Provider

Assuming the family is covered by some type of dental insurance, starting the search with the provider is a good idea. Many insurance companies maintain online access to searchable lists of local dentists who accept the coverage. The search criteria often include searches based on proximity to a specific address or at least a listing of dental professionals located within a limited number of miles from a zip code. Making use of this resource provides a basic listing of local professionals who are good candidates for the patient. While there is still some work to do, having a qualified list will make the task of finding the right Dentist in Shepherdsville KY much easier.

Who is Accepting New Patients?

With the list in hand, find out which dental professionals are currently accepting new patients. This normally requires nothing more than making a phone call. Keep in mind that some dental professionals will post a note on their website home pages if they are not actively taking new patients.

Find Out What Others Think

After determining which local dentists are accepting new patients, start compiling information about each professional on the list. Ask neighbors, coworkers, and others if they have any experience with those dentists. Take to the Internet and visit sites that allow consumers to post comments and ratings about different practices.

Schedule a Visit

Contact the practice that seems to be the best fit and arrange to go in for a checkup. While there, make note of the way the staff interacts with the patients, the general demeanor of the dentist, and how easy it is to discuss any concerns that come to mind. Depending on how well things go, there may not be the need to keep searching.

Ongoing dental care is an important part of enjoying a higher level of health. Contact us today and set up an appointment. Whether the need is to deal with an existing dental issue or to get into the swing of regular exams and cleanings, the staff will be happy to help.