Is VOIP in Maui Really Better Than It Used to Be?

by | Jan 20, 2017 | Business

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Voice over Internet Protocol is certainly more common than it was a decade ago, but this communication option has been around and in active use for more than two decades. In that sense, VOIP in Maui is much as it was back in the day. In other ways, this solution has improved to the point that early detractors have little left to support their arguments in favor of sticking with a strictly PSTN solution for telephony. Here are some of the ways the use of the Internet to carry voice has made a huge impact for commercial and residential users.

The Lag Time is Gone

One of the earliest objections to VOIP in Maui was the slight lag in the transmission of voice. When one party spoke, it would take an extra second or two for the other party to hear. People who were used to the instant transmission offered over public switches and copper networks found this to be frustrating and, to some degree, a waste of time.

Today’s VoIP networks no longer include that slight lag. The real-time exchange of sound on a phone call easily compares with the instant communication of older analog and digital technology using traditional phone switches to carry the entire connection.

No Fading In and Out

Early detractors noted that it wasn’t just the lag in hearing what the other person said. It was also the fact that the sound quality would fade in and out. While this was not a phenomenon experienced with the new use of the Internet for telephony purposes, those who supported traditional networks were quick to point out how frequently this occurred, especially on conferencing networks that relied strictly on VoIP with nothing other than a switch at the local level being involved.

Today’s voice over the Internet strategies has equalized the sound quality. The potential for fading in and out is now no greater than with a traditional wired network.

There are other things that have changed since VoIP was first introduced. Visit today and arrange to speak with a professional about how this approach compares in terms of quality, reliability, and cost. It won’t take long to see why so many people have made the switch and will never go back to older technology.

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