As a plumbing contractor, particularly on industrial projects or large residential construction or retrofit projects, working with a top industrial plumbing supply company provides peace of mind in knowing the quality, quantity, and delivery of materials and supplies is being handled by professionals.
Most industrial plumbing supply companies now offer online sales, which makes it easier for a contractor to take the time needed to view the options in products and materials and then make a choice as to the best for the project. However, when ordering online, it is always ways to avoid some very easy to make mistakes.
Multiple Orders and Multiple Vendors
It can be tempting to try to shop around for the absolute lowest prices for each item in the order. While this may initially look like it saves money, there are other associated factors to consider.
Shopping at multiple sites means multiple orders to manage and multiple invoices to reconcile and pay. Shipping costs may also be much higher with multiple orders, and there is a much greater chance of missing out products across the range of orders.
Not Checking Supplier Reputation
While a top industrial plumbing supply will offer products by recognized, trusted manufacturers, it is still important to consider the supplier’s reputation as well. The supplier is the point of contact for the order, so look for companies with a solid reputation in customer service, addressing emergency shipping requirements and in offering assistance and support throughout the ordering process.
Not Verifying Inventory On-Hand and Delivery Options
Before placing the first order, or when placing any critical orders that have to be delivered by a specific date, always verify the company has the inventory on-hand and can guarantee delivery.
Top companies and suppliers are able to handle these types of request, often by having multiple shipping points to ensure delivery to your required schedule.