Reviewing A Dog Attack Case Through Personal Injury Law

by | Jul 12, 2017 | Attorney

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In Louisiana, local laws enforce the responsibility of all pet owners. The pet owners must mitigate any risks associated with a possible dog attack. If they don’t follow necessary precautions, they are liable for any injuries that occur. Through Personal Injury Law, all victims of dog attacks retain the right to file a claim for compensation.

Identifying the Reason for the Attack

The exact reason for the attack present conditions that could determine the outcome of the case. If the victim caused the attack, they cannot acquire compensation. For example, if they trespassed or entered the property without permission, they committed a crime. Any criminal offense related to the dog attack forfeits all rights to compensation. If the victim was invited to the property or entered the property based on job duties, the pet owner is liable.

Quarantines and Animal Control Requirements

All dog attacks require a quarantine period. The quarantine is enforced to determine if the dog exhibits any signs of rabies or aggressive behaviors. The owner must surrender the animal to a licensed vet for the quarantine period of at least twelve days. The animal control officer notifies the owner of this requirement.

Strict Liabilities and Assessments

If the dog was involved in previous attacks, the owner faces a strict liability. When this is the case, the owner must provide all payments for the victim’s medical treatment. They must also provide an award for pain and suffering based on the severity of the victim’s injuries.

The Outcome for the Animal

If the dog is declared a risk to the public, the animal control officer takes action. The dog is either euthanized, or it is relocated. If the dog owner is declared irresponsible, the animal control officer may relocate the dog to a safer location.

In Louisiana, local laws dictate the responsibilities of the pet owners. The pet owners must follow guidelines that lower the chances of a dog attack. This may include following leash laws or building exterior enclosures to prevent the dog from escaping their yard. Pet owners who want more information about Personal Injury Law can visit today.