What You Need To Know About Intermittent Pulsed Light Cosmetic Skin Care in Chevy Chase, MD

by | Jul 27, 2016 | Uncategorized

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While laser therapy can be an effective method for cosmetic skin care, there are many people that have issues with the downtime required or are otherwise just not optimal candidates for the treatments. In instances such as these, Intermittent Pulsed Light treatments are often recommended by professional skin care clinics. Essentially, the treatments utilize broad-spectrum light that naturally filters out unwanted wavelengths to treat a very wide-ranging host of skin issues.

Intermittent Pulsed Light, or IPL for short, has been used to treat broken capillaries, varicose veins, hemangiomas, and many other cosmetic problems. When Intermittent Pulsed Light is used for Cosmetic Skin Care in Chevy Chase MD, there is virtually no downtime as generally occurs with other methods of cosmetic skin treatments. There is no chance of burning, blistering, or lengthy recovery times. The client can proceed with their normal everyday life immediately after treatment.

This treatment works by penetrating the skin with high-intensity bursts of light. Different conditions require different wavelengths of light. This requires the use of different machines depending on the condition being treated.

There are some people that may not be considered good candidates for Intermittent Pulsed Light therapy. These would include people that are highly susceptible to keloid scars, people who are diabetic as this can affect healing time, and people that suffer from the effects of hyperpigmentation. Before treatment is administered, the qualified provider will discuss all aspects with the client and examine any current scars the client may have. A patch test may be given to test the reaction to IPL therapy. After the test, the area of the skin will need to be monitored by the client for any rashes or signs of burning. Any results such as this need to be reported to the clinic.

Once treatment is finally administered, it will consist of a topical anesthetic applied to the area being treated and then a cooling gel will be applied. After this, a glass prism will be placed on the area being treated and pulses of light will be shot the prism. Several treatments will be needed. After each treatment, follow the advice of the provider regarding using sunscreen on the treated area.

For more information on using IPL therapy for Cosmetic Skin Care in Chevy Chase MD, visit website to schedule an initial consultation.