When you Need a Social Security Disability Lawyer in North Carolina

by | Oct 27, 2023 | Social Security Disability Attorney

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If you find yourself in the unenviable position of needing Social Security disability payments and you have been turned down by the agency, you need professional help.

You are distraught because you can no longer work due to a severe injury you may have suffered. Without the payments that the Social Security Administration is legally required to pay out, you will have no income. There will be no money for food, rent, shelter, or payment to aides, if you need them.

You strongly believe that you are rightly qualified to get the disability payments. The forms you had to submit are complicated and now you wonder if you should have consulted a Social Security Disability lawyer WinstonSalem, NC. Now with the rejection you received it is time to reach out to a Social Security disability lawyer in Winston-Salem, NC.

While there are some claimants who apply for Social Security disability payments and receive their approval without using a lawyer, many do not. Hiring the right attorneys in your area of North Carolina will make a huge difference in getting your rejection reversed on appeal.

In case you aren’t sure of some of the details regarding Social Security disability income, you should know that it is a federally funded program. If you earned at or above the threshold amount over the last 10 years, you may be eligible. Any number of errors on your application can result in a rejection.

If this is true in your case, please visit the website of the Business Name, serving the state of North Carolina.