As a disabled US service man or woman you have the right to claim disability benefits through the DVA; Department of Veterans Affairs. It can be a very long, very frustrating process; even more so when the benefits are badly needed. Hiring lawyers for VA claims can help take the headaches and frustration out of the process even though the lawyer can do nothing to speed up the process. What a skilled lawyer can do is get you all the benefits that you are entitled to. Like all government agencies, the DVA has strict laws, rules and regulations that are not only complex, but are subject to frequent revision.
When do you need to hire a lawyer?
When you are first preparing your claim you may be able to do it without the help of a lawyer. In many communities there are veterans organizations that can help you walk through the process. If you have applied for disability benefits only to be denied, if you want to appeal the decision then you need to hire qualified lawyers for VA claims.
There are a number of questions that you should ask during your initial consultation with the lawyer:
- Are the lawyers VA accredited?
- How many years have you been actively helping veterans with their claims?
- Can you help get the highest rating for my particular disability?
- Will you stay right through the entire appeals process?
There are many lawyers who specialize in Social Security disability cases, what is important to you is hiring a lawyer that specializes in veterans disability cases. Lawyers for VA claims are entitled by law to charge fees ranging from 20 percent to one third of the back pay you are awarded; the fee usually depends on the complexity of the appeal or whether you are attempting to get an upgrade.
If you have applied for veterans disability benefits only to be denied you can improve your chances at appeal by hiring experienced lawyers for VA claims. You are invited to contact Jackson & MacNichol, Attorneys at Law.