Why choose non-toxic floor cleaners

by | Oct 17, 2016 | Kitchen cleaning

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If you’re looking for ways to get your floors clean without harmful ingredients, consider non-toxic floor cleaners. In the past, this meant compromising on the quality of the cleaner or spending more than your budget allowed, but today’s cleaners are much more efficient and economical. Here are just a few reasons you should consider non-toxic cleaners:

  • Better for children: If you have babies or toddlers who like to crawl or play on the floor, toxic cleaners could be detrimental to their health. Getting close-up and personal with toxins and chemicals are bad for baby’s breathing and lungs. It could result in lung infections, asthma or pneumonia.
  • Better for pets: Dogs and cats can suffer from the same conditions that humans can; so it makes sense to protect them from toxic cleaners. They are much closer to the floor than humans are, and when they lick food off of the floor, residuals from the cleaning products may also get ingested.
  • Won’t affect those with asthma: People with asthma have to be very careful about the air and environment. Using non-toxic cleaners will help clear up the air in the home so asthma attacks are reduced significantly.
  • Won’t affect those with allergies: With so many allergies these days, it’s important to keep your home as clean and toxin-free as possible. This means using cleaners that are eco-friendly and environmentally responsible. Whether someone in your home suffers from seasonal allergies, or year-round allergies, the symptoms can be reduced by using cleaners that aren’t full of harmful chemicals and toxins.
  • Eco-Friendly: There are toxins and chemical all around us – outdoors, in our homes, in our office buildings, and even in our cars. Using eco-friendly cleaners may not get rid of all of the sources of toxins, but they can reduce the amount of toxins in our homes.

Using a non-toxic floor cleaner is a good first step to becoming eco-friendly and chemical-free.