Most people in St. Johns, FL, have never heard the term dermaplaning or may think it is similar to dermabrasion. However, it’s different than microdermabrasion treatments and can help with a dull, aged or weathered complexion. It can also help you get and keep a natural glow in the skin, using a simple and safe method. It is an effective exfoliating method that works to remove dead skin cells to brighten the skin and help it glow. Plus, it can also be used as a way to reduce or remove fine facial hairs.
The Difference Between Dermaplaning And Dermabrasion
Most people in St. Johns, FL, avoid dermaplaning because they think it is the same as dermabrasion, which works by sanding down some of your skin layers to encourage the skin to grow without age spots, wrinkles, and other problems. Dermaplaning procedures are quick and won’t cause as many side effects because you’re using light abrasion to exfoliate the skin deeply..
Because no chemicals are used, it works well for pregnant women and people who are sensitive to chemicals on their skin. It works to remove built-up dirt and oil, so your skin looks younger, healthier and brighter.
It is primarily designed to be a proactive treatment before you get sores, skin problems or acne. Therefore, if you currently have those problems, you may need cleansing treatments to get rid of them first.
Primarily, people are worried that if they use dermanplaning, their fine hairs will grow back darker and thicker. However, because it is considered peach fuzz, it will come back the same as it was before. Plus, you’ll also get the benefit of more blood flow through the skin, which can help oxygenate the face and remove toxins.
Many people choose to have this procedure done before having more intense cosmetic facial procedures.